Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is India!

Today I experienced India FULL ON! I'm talking barefoot in the street, dirt in my eyes (ears, nose, fingernails...), holding my bladder desperately because there is no way that I'll experience the bathroom that my male friend just told me was "really intense!" And I still love it! I must be a little mad, but everyone who is truly in love really is :)

Here are the highlights:

  • Car-sick mania on the petrol/diesel bus...BUT, God delivers, and I got to ride in the high-style (for India) White Ambassador car instead
  • First barefoot India tourist experience at the Kerala Palace...there is nothing so beautiful as walking around on thousand year old limestone in your bare piggies
  • I lost my favorite sunglasses in my first "squatter" experience. Right down the hole! But rejoice, I remained quit clean and unscathed! All that malasana practice was so key...
  • Boat ride to Swami Vivikananda temple... first person to bring yoga to the west. I meditated in his meditation room, and walked around the rest of the day with my eyes half open in bliss.
  • Submerged at the Point! What is the point?? The Most Holy, Very Auspicious place where the Bay of Bengal meets the Arabian Sea meets the Indian Ocean. The southern most point of India. Holy, holy, holy. Ladies, unfortunately, cannot "disrobe and submerge," but gents are invited too. I wasn't missing out for anything, so I waded up to my knickers and baptized my hands and face. Holy seas never felt so refreshing!!


Mari said...

So I had the BEST comment planned for this blog entry. I was gchatting with Mommy about you walking barefoot among the riff raff in the streets of India, and she says something along the lines of, "warts, ahtlete's foot, ring worm, round worm, hep b, bubonic plague, scarlet fever, polio, typhoid fever, diphtheria, racism and illiteracy are all contracted through the skin. What was she thinking??!?!"

Obviously, I paraphrased, but you get the idea.

Unknown said...

I want to go on record and tell you that I didn't say ALL of those things!!! Mari definitely embellished - alright the first 3 things maybe ;) I know you may miss us, but you're equally glad we didn't come so you would have to put up with our squealing, "EWWW!" Have fun - it's like Dad says about the football games - it's really more fun for me watching from home! XOXOX Mom

anthony said...

i love the new tatoo u and jill have on your foreheads . i hope they used clean needles, and i hope it wasnt done anywhere near that privy.

your experience sounds amazing! continue on, be blessed, and thanks for blessing us.

and beware of rickshaw drivers with too many religious articles hanging from their rear views; they tend not to fear death!

Joelle & Matt said...

Remember when you asked what I wanted you to bring back for me from India? Well, I want that elephant. and her headpiece.
Thanks for taking care of that for me.

Sounds like you are having an amazing experience-stay safe & happy!

Unknown said...

My sweet girl, thanks for calling and writing. I can't wait to hear more about your fantastic adventures. Love & miss you Mom

Unknown said...

Tina - if you get this comment please call home we are all worried about you. Love Mom

anthony said...

Tina just called and is alive and well. What a scare. thanks to all for your prayers. She said she will continue bloging in a few days while in rishikish.