Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This is only a test...

Ok... everybody in the boat? Off we go! Good bye, Atlantic Ocean...

This is the official launch of my new blog (yeah, technology!) which will help me relay the exciting, enlightening, and exhausting details of my pilgrimage into the Vedic Heartland (India!).

I'm sorry to all of you with whom I have not connected before leaving - what a whirlwind it has been! I am spending my final days taking midterms for school early (yes, classes began 2 weeks ago... the title "mid-term" just doesn't seem appropriate...). Anthony has an important surf rule: you can't paddle out unless you get your head wet first. Otherwise, you fight the water the whole way. This is how I feel about the last 3 weeks: all of the chaos and stress and planning hiccups are just the dunk that prepares me for the Pipeline of Chaos, India.

Tonight is the final "packing push." The collective advice I've received has been "pack light...really, really light," so I may wind up with just 3 shirts, a pair of yoga pants, and a pair of jeans for 3 weeks. And my sister in Manhattan just gasped in horror and disgust. I like to think of it as very European...

Much love, be well, and don't forget to meditate!


Mari said...

You're going to have to burn those clothes when you get back :)

carlita said...

yuck!! Remember preparation H...u know how spicey u like ur food, well now u'll find out where it comes from! Love u!!

Joelle & Matt said...

avoid the hepatitis! (and Mari is right about the clothes-ooh, bonfire)

Mariana said...

well, it's decided ... we'll have a clothes burning bonfire/ bbq in ur backyard when u return! love u lots and miss u already. mb we'll squeeze in some time together tomorrow.

LJ said...

Howdy, Tina! Travel lightly. Look forward to reading your blog! My sweet family is in Austin, now. We LOVE it here! Life is good, here, and the sun shines brightly.
Be Well. Warmly, Lisa

Tina said...

i'll take thoes clothes! i miss your smell already.

anthony said...

opp's that was me who miss's your clothes.
i bet thoes clothes are gonna smell like nag-champa. maybe well make some incense out of them.
and be careful of those intestines!

Unknown said...

Miss you already. Followed your flights, so we know you arrived. Hope you're enjoying the beautiful resort and adjusting to jet lag :)
Love & xoxox MOM & DAD

Unknown said...

We have been watching your blog religiously, but some how missed your Saturday comment. So Dad & I saw both Saturday and Sunday comments together and had such a good laugh over it. It sounds like you're in bliss. Add your ability to amuse through the written word to your long list of capabilities!!! We're on our way to check out the beach damage from Hannah. We pray you're trip continues to be a blissful journey :)
oxoxox Mom & Dad

Kaitlin Phelps said...

Hi Ms. T,

Sounds like sheer amazement. Glad you are doing well and having a wonderful expereince. I miss you! Take Care and much love!
