Sunday, September 7, 2008

Usha and Ganga

I arrive for my ayurveda treatment today and am greeted by my practitioner, who bobbles her head at me and says "you come!" She is a dark Indian woman barely as tall as my shoulder. Yesterday she just held my hand, but today she wraps her arm around my hip in a big hug as she escorts me to the treatment room. It's sort of like walking hip and hip with a hobbit. But since she's seen me as naked and oily as I get, her affection is appreciated!

Her name is Usha. Yesterday, I didn't notice. But today, I remember - Usha... Usha and Ganga!

When I was about 10 years old, our family got our first pets - two siames cats. Everyone gets to suggest names, and then we'll vote. Yin and Yang, Lucy and Ethel, Sugar and Spice - we're all going for famous duos. It takes many hours. Then, my father suggests "Usha and Ganga," two Vedic goddesses and Hindu princesses. No one says anything. And then Patrick, who is five, begins to cry! "I'll...never...remember....their...names...!!!"


Joelle & Matt said...

You are a descriptive genius, I have a very funny image of you and Usha shuffling together:)

So glad you are safe and happy, I am in a post-Hershey cocoa coma!

Keep updating us!!!

Unknown said...

Love this blog! And I swore as a ludite that I'd never read one ;) Enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy!!

Mari said...

Hahaha. I remember that Patrick story. Remember you wanted them to be Merlin and Mad Madame Mim? I'm not sure which is worse. We came up with some pretty bad ones. Ping and Pong? Eww.

Since I know you loved my stories about my past horrid intern, I have another for you. On Friday I was doing phone interviews for this event we're doing in NC. We're trying to get some local college students to come and help out, and it gives them something to put on their resume, blah blah. So I had a phone interview with this girl at 4:15. I wanted it to be at 4, but she said she was going to be coming back from class, so I gave her a few extra minutes and called at 4:18. She didn't pick up. I sent her an email and left a voicemail being like, umm, hello? What happened to you? This morning I have a voicemail from her with her excuse: She thought she could get in a shower before our call, but she guesses she took too much time in the shower. She swears she called me back at 4:30, but guess what? I was still at work then, and I didn't get the call. She asked me to reschedule, but I really can't take the chance that she might need a spontaneous bubble bath the morning of the event and show up late. What an idiot.

carlita said...

Okay is it weird to say that i already know how the place looks like, how little Usha is, and how her hug seems like it was coming from your mother!

Yay for you being alive and not in a bathroom with diarrhea:)

Keep posting more! Seems like i'm there, but really wanting the massages! LOVE YOU!

We are fine here after three neighbors not so later! Muah